Sushant Sharma

Sushant Sharma

Sushant Sharma (Born on 10 September 1996) is founder of spiffymen . Sushant began his career as graphic designer and joined digital marketing field in year 2018. He Learned and worked with many companies and founded spiffymen on december 2019.

Sushant joined intradesign in year 2018 , and worked as a Digital Marketer, for 1 year and then he joinded as a graphic designer in Aam Admi Party in year 2019 and worked there for 3 months. He was responsible for all the banners and poster making for the election campaigns of 2020 and did some work for their website too. After learning digitial marketing he joined as digital marketer & graphic designer for anteelo in january 2020 and handled their website & social media accounts.

While working their he founded the spiffymen and started slowly by handling approximately everything except the content.


  • PhotoShop, Illustrator,Apple Sketch, Figma
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google analysts
  • Facebook, Insta, LinkedIn,Twitter Ads